Specifications for:
Portable Modular Screens Series V2000 for Worksites
Sound absorbing and sound insulating Alfakel Series V2000 modular screens made of a double sheet of PVC material (one of which with micro perforations) with the following characteristics:
- Weight: approximately 650 gr. sq.m.
- Tensile strength: 260 Kg/5 cm. approximately
- Tear resistance: 20 Kg. approximately
Inside the double PVC material, before the heat-sealing process, are inserted the sound absorbing elements Alfakel Series F made of synthetic fiber, 50 mm. thickness, 40 Kg. m.sq. density having the following characteristics:
- Chemical composition: 100% Polyester
- Other components: Polyethylene Terephthalate, PET copolimers (not in the list of dangerous substances according to the Health Department Ministerial Decree of 16.02.1993)
- Range of temperatures of usage: -40 + 110° C, unchanged throughout the whole thickness and through time
- Solubility: low in some chlorinated solvents
- Fire resistance: certified PD928B11PD100012
- Toxicity and smoke opacity: F1 (AFNOR 16-101)
- Dripping: absent
- Combustion byproducts: CO, CO2, H2O
- Fire extinguishers: CO2, extinguishing foam, water
- Harmful decay byproducts: none
- Things to avoid: none
- Handling and storing safety precaution: none
- Lower calorific value: 21600 Kj/Kg
- Specific heat: 0.24 Kj/Kg°K
- Steam permeability: µ = 3.11
- Certified by the Home Ministry
- 100% recyclable as they do not contain additives or binders other than polyester
- Do not produce dust, will maintain the weight and will not shed fibers
- Odorless material
- Will not emit micropollutants
- Water repellent
- Will not decay, resistant to microorganism, fungi, and bacteria
- Insect resistant
The sides of the panels feature double PVC casings closed on the top to allow the insertion of standard fence pipes of 48 mm. in diameter (upon request and depending on the size of the order, they can be produced in other diameter sizes or with eyelets for insertion of square tubing).
Nominal measures of standard products are 1558 x height 2200/3300 mm. (center distance of posts is 1460 mm.).
The sound insulating and sound absorbing screens shall be certified according to UNI EN ISO 140-3:2006 and UNI EN ISO 717-1:2007 for sound insulating index power of Rw 17 dB