Specifications for:
Anti-noise Sound Insulating Wooden Barrier – B3 Category

 1.1. Wooden Panels

These soundproof, sound insulating panels are made with first quality resinous wood compliant with UNI EN 350/1 regulation. The wood is treated in autoclave vacuum and under pressure per DIN 68800 part 3 regulations. The panels have a solid wood frame made of three horizontal and two vertical elements milled to fit the front of the panel.
These components shall not decay, shall not be reactive to chemicals or weather exposure, shall be fire proof or self-extinguishing, and shall not emit harmful toxic gas.
The front and backing sides shall be made of rebated or jointed match boarding, with thickness no less than 20 mm. and fixed in three spots with stainless steel nails.
The finishing towards the noise source shall be made of wooden slats autoclave treated, nailed or screwed in, rounded and with minimum dimension of 50×20 mm. placed according to the configuration selected (horizontal, vertical, or at an angle).

To ensure traffic safety in case of fire, the panels (though flammable) shall be fire resistant (Class 1 flammability rating required). The posts shall be fireproof and acts as fire barrier.
Special care shall be applied to the joins, in consideration of possible swelling and shrinking of the material.

Preservation Treatment 
The wood shall be resistant to decay and to UV sun rays fast aging effects, therefore it shall be treated with specialty products in accordance to regulations DIN 68800 and UNI EN 350-1-2 to prevent fungi growth.
The wood shall be treated with inorganic salts.
Firstly they shall be treated with deep autoclave vacuum under pressure, or equivalent methods, with new generation natural substances having no chrome or arsenic.

Stainless steel screws are recommended to join wood pieces. Metal cramps are not recommended.

The EPDM gaskets shall be flexible and long lasting compliant with regulations DIN 53571 and DIN 53504.
They shall be soundproofing and placed where ever needed to prevent sound transmission, especially in the joins between the wood slats and the frame and between slats.


 1.2. Structure

The supporting structure of the soundproofing wooden panels shall be made of HE steel beams Fe 430 B (275 JR) hot galvanized in compliance with UNI EN 1461 regulation with minimum thickness of 60 micron, and base plate appropriate to the size of the barrier, and minimum dimension of mm. 250×280 and thickness of 15 mm.
The base plate shall be bead welded to the HE steel beams and, where necessary, two angled base plates of 160×90 mm. in size and 10 mm. thickness.
Alternatively, the HE steel beams can be immersed in concrete wells with minimum depth of 500 mm.


 1.3. Certifications

As final Clients’ acceptance of the sound proofing panels and of its components, Alfakel shall provide results of technical tests conducted by authorized and/or licensed institutions to validate the technical specifications of the materials.

EN 1793-2:97 classification table A.1
Sound insulation DLR = 29 dB
cat. B3

Classification ISO 140/95-3 and ISO 717/96-1
Rw = 32 dB

Classification UNI EN 1793-5.2000
Reflection index DLRI = 4 dB
cat. A2

Classification UNI EN 1793-5:2000
Sound insulation index DLSI = 26 dB
cat. B3

Furthermore, positive test results shall be provided for the following:
• Falling stones impact resistance compliant with EN 1794-1:98 annex C
• Wind resistance compliant with UNI EN 1794-1:98 annex A with impact load of 250 Kg/sq.m
• Brush fire resistance compliant with EN 1794-2:98.A

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